Source: nodes/vvvv.nodes.webgl.js

// VVVV.js -- Visual Web Client Programming
// (c) 2011 Matthias Zauner
// VVVV.js is freely distributable under the MIT license.
// Additional authors of sub components are mentioned at the specific code locations.

/** A hash table of {@VVVV.Types.ShaderCodeResource} objects, indexed with the name/path of the shader code resource */
VVVV.ShaderCodeResources = {};

 * Stores and caches shader code, which comes from loaded .vvvvjs.fx files or a DefineEffect node 
 * @class
 * @constructor
VVVV.Types.ShaderCodeResource = function() {
  var sourceCode = '';
  /** An array of all nodes which utilize this shader code */
  this.relatedNodes = [];
  /** the DefineNode node which defines this shader code; undefined if the shader code comes from a .vvvvjs.fx file */
  this.definingNode = undefined;
   * Sets the source code
   * @param {String} str the shader code as string
  this.setSourceCode = function(src) {
    sourceCode = src;
    for (var i=0; i<this.relatedNodes.length; i++) {
   * registers a shader node with this shader code resource
   * @param {VVVV.Core.Node} the shader node
  this.addRelatedNode = function(node) {
    if (sourceCode!='')

var identity = mat4.identity(mat4.create());

 * A data structure which contains all render state attributes that can be set in VVVV.js
 * This is the data object which flows between WebGlRenderState pins
 * @class
 * @constructor
VVVV.Types.WebGlRenderState = function() {
  /** @member */
  this.alphaBlending = true;
  /** @member */
  this.srcBlendMode = "SRC_ALPHA";
  /** @member */
  this.destBlendMode = "ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA";
  /** @member */
  this.enableZWrite = true;
  /** @member */
  this.depthFunc = "LEQUAL";
  /** @member */
  this.depthOffset = 0.0;
  /** @member */
  this.polygonDrawMode = "TRIANGLES";
   * Used to create a copy of a WebGlRenderState object. Heavily used by the (EX9.RenderState) nodes to create altered versions
   * of the incoming render state
   * @param {VVVV.Types.WebGlRenderState} other the source render state
  this.copy_attributes = function(other) {
    this.alphaBlending = other.alphaBlending;
    this.alphaFunc = other.alphaFunc;
    this.srcBlendMode = other.srcBlendMode;
    this.destBlendMode = other.destBlendMode;
    this.enableZwrite = other.enableZWrite;
    this.depthFunc = other.depthFunc;
    this.depthOffset = other.depthOffset;
    this.polygonDrawMode = other.polygonDrawMode;
   * makes the WebGL calls to establish the render state
   * @param {WebGlContext} gl the WebGL context
  this.apply = function(gl) {
    if (this.alphaBlending)
    gl.blendFunc(gl[this.srcBlendMode], gl[this.destBlendMode]);

 * The VertexBuffer class holds vertex data and provides methods to create vertex buffer objects in a given WebGL context;
 * VVVV.Types.VertexBuffer objects mainly are used in (EX9.Geometry) nodes, and
 * ultimately are parts of a {@link VVVV.Types.Mesh} object
 * @class
 * @constructor
 * @param {WebGlContext} gl the WebGL context
 * @param {Array} p an array of vertex positions
VVVV.Types.VertexBuffer = function(gl, p) {
  /** the WebGL Vertex Buffer Object */
  this.vbo = undefined;
  /** @member */
  this.subBuffers = {};
  /** total buffer length */
  this.length = 0;
   * sets sub buffer data
   * @param {String} u the buffer usage (e.g. POSITION, NORMAL, TEXCOORD0, TEXCOORD1, ...)
   * @param {Integer} s the sub buffer size
   * @param {Array} d the sub buffer data
  this.setSubBuffer = function(u, s, d) {
    this.subBuffers[u] = {
      usage: u,
      data: new Float32Array(d),
      size: s,
      offset: this.length
    this.length += this.subBuffers[u].data.byteLength;
  this.setSubBuffer('POSITION', 3, p);
   * Creates the VBO in the WebGL context and stores the vertex data
  this.create = function() {
    this.vbo = gl.createBuffer();
    gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.vbo);
    gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.length, gl.STATIC_DRAW);
    _(this.subBuffers).each(function(b) {
      gl.bufferSubData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, b.offset,;

 * A Mesh consists of a {@link VVVV.Types.VertexBuffer} object and a list of indices. It creates a new index buffer
 * in the given WebGL context. Mesh objects are usually created by (EX9.Geometry) nodes and flow into a shader node's
 * Mesh input pin
 * @class
 * @constructor
 * @param {WebGlContext} gl the WebGL context
 * @param {VVVV.Core.VertexBuffer} the vertex data
 * @param {Array} indices the list of indices
VVVV.Types.Mesh = function(gl, vertexBuffer, indices) {
  /** @member */
  this.vertexBuffer = vertexBuffer;
  /** @member */
  this.indexBuffer = gl.createBuffer();
  gl.bindBuffer(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, this.indexBuffer);
  gl.bufferData(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, new Uint16Array(indices), gl.STATIC_DRAW);
  /** @member */
  this.numIndices = indices.length;

 * A Layer is the sum of a mesh, textures, render state, shaders and it parameters. Usually, a Layer object is the output
 * of a shader node and flows into a Renderer (EX9) or Group (EX9) node.
 * @class
 * @constructor
VVVV.Types.Layer = function() {
  /** @member */
  this.mesh = null;
  /** An array of WebGlTexture objects */
  this.textures = [];
  /** @type VVVV.Types.ShaderProgram */
  this.shader = null;
  /** @member */
  this.uniforms = {};
  /** @member */
  this.uniformNames = []; // to help iterate through this.uniforms
  /** @type VVVV.Types.WebGlRenderState */
  this.renderState = defaultWebGlRenderState;
  /** returns "Layer" */
  this.toString = function() {
    return "Layer";

 * The WebGlResource Pin Type. Its connectionChangedHandler finds a downstream Renderer (EX9) node, gets its WebGL context, and
 * sets it to all upstream WebGL nodes' renderContext members.
 * @mixin
 * @property {String} typeName "WebGlResource"
 * @property {Boolean} reset_on_disconnect true
 * @property {Object} connectionChangedHandlers "webglresource" => function
VVVV.PinTypes.WebGlResource = {
  typeName: "WebGlResource",
  reset_on_disconnect: true,
  connectionChangedHandlers: {
    "webglresource": function() {
      if (this.direction==PinDirection.Input)
      var that = this.node
      var renderers = that.findDownstreamNodes('Renderer (EX9)');
      if (!that.renderContexts)
        that.renderContexts = []; // this 'public property' should actually go to the top, right above this.setAsWebGlResourcePin. However, that doesnt work, values got overwritte by nodes of the same type.
      if (that.contextChanged==undefined)
        that.contextChanged = false;
      for (var i=0; i<renderers.length; i++) {
        that.contextChanged |= (!that.renderContexts[i] || that.renderContexts[i]!=renderers[i]
        that.renderContexts[i] = renderers[i].ctxt;
        that.dirty = true;
      if (that.renderContexts.length!=renderers.length) {
        that.renderContexts.length = renderers.length;
        that.contextChanged = true;
        that.dirty = true;
      function isWebGlPinType(typeName) {
        return typeName=="WebGlResource" || typeName=="WebGlTexture";
      if (!that.isSubpatch) {
        _(that.inputPins).each(function(p) {
          var fromPin;
          if (that.nodename!="Renderer (EX9)") {
            if (p.isConnected()) {
              if (p.links.length>0)
                fromPin = p.links[0].fromPin
              else if (p.masterPin.links[0].fromPin.links.length>0)
                fromPin = p.masterPin.links[0].fromPin;
              if (fromPin && isWebGlPinType(fromPin.typeName))
      if (this.masterPin && isWebGlPinType(this.masterPin.typeName))
  defaultValue: function() {
    return new VVVV.Types.Layer();

 * The WebGLTexture Pin Type, has the same connectionChangedHandler as {@link VVVV.PinTypes.WebGlResource}.
 * @mixin
 * @property {String} typeName "WebGlTexture"
 * @property {Boolean} reset_on_disconnect true
 * @property {Object} connectionChangedHandlers "webglresource" => function
 * @property {Function} defaultValue a function returning {@link VVVV.DefaultTexture}
VVVV.PinTypes.WebGlTexture = {
  typeName: "WebGlTexture",
  reset_on_disconnect: true,
  connectionChangedHandlers: {
    "webglresource": VVVV.PinTypes.WebGlResource.connectionChangedHandlers["webglresource"]
  defaultValue: function() {
    return VVVV.DefaultTexture;

var defaultWebGlRenderState = new VVVV.Types.WebGlRenderState();
 * The WebGlRenderState Pin Type
 * @mixin
 * @property {String} typeName "WebGlRenderState"
 * @property {Boolean} reset_on_disconnect true
 * @property {Function} defaultValue a function returning the default {@link VVVV.Types.WebGlRenderState} object
VVVV.PinTypes.WebGlRenderState = {
  typeName: "WebGlRenderState",
  reset_on_disconnect: true,
  defaultValue: function() {
    return defaultWebGlRenderState;

 * Constant representing a WebGl context's default texture
 * @const
VVVV.DefaultTexture = "Empty Texture";

 * The ShaderProgram class holds vertex shader and fragment shader code and provides methods to extract uniform/attribute positions
 * and to create the shader program in the WebGl context
VVVV.Types.ShaderProgram = function() {

  this.uniformSpecs = {};
  this.attributeSpecs = {};
  this.attribSemanticMap = {};
  this.uniformSemanticMap = {};
  var vertexShaderCode = '';
  var fragmentShaderCode = '';
  var vertexShader;
  var fragmentShader;
  this.isSetup = false;
  this.shaderProgram = undefined;
  this.log = '';
  var thatShader = this;
  this.extractSemantics = function(code) {
    thatShader.attributeSpecs = {};
    thatShader.attribSemanticMap = {};
    thatShader.uniformSpecs = {};
    thatShader.uniformSemanticMap = {};
    var pattern = /(uniform|attribute) ([a-zA-Z]+)([0-9xD]*) ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)( : ([A-Z0-9]+))?( = \{?([^;\}]+)\}?)?;/g;
    var match;
    while ((match = pattern.exec(code))) {
      if (match[1]=='attribute' && !(thatShader.attributeSpecs[match[4]])) {
        thatShader.attributeSpecs[match[4]] = {
          varname: match[4],
          semantic: match[6],
          position: 0
        if (match[6]!=undefined)
          thatShader.attribSemanticMap[match[6]] = match[4];
      else if (match[1]=='uniform' && !thatShader.uniformSpecs[match[4]]) {
        var dimension = match[3]=='' ? 1 : match[3];
        var uniformSpec = {
          varname: match[4],
          semantic: match[6],
          position: 0,
          type: match[2],
          defaultValue: match[8],
          dimension: dimension
        thatShader.uniformSpecs[match[4]] = uniformSpec;
        if (match[6]!=undefined)
          thatShader.uniformSemanticMap[match[6]] = match[4];
  this.setVertexShader = function(code) {
    vertexShaderCode = code;
  this.setFragmentShader =function(code) {
    fragmentShaderCode = code;
  this.setup = function(gl) {
    this.log = '';
    vertexShader = gl.createShader(gl.VERTEX_SHADER);
    gl.shaderSource(vertexShader, vertexShaderCode.replace(/((uniform|attribute) [a-zA-Z0-9]+ [a-zA-Z0-9_]+)[^;]*/g, '$1'));
    if (!gl.getShaderParameter(vertexShader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS)) {
      this.log = gl.getShaderInfoLog(vertexShader);
    fragmentShader = gl.createShader(gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER);
    gl.shaderSource(fragmentShader, fragmentShaderCode.replace(/((uniform|attribute) [a-zA-Z0-9]+ [a-zA-Z0-9_]+)[^;]*/g, '$1'));
    if (!gl.getShaderParameter(fragmentShader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS)) {
      this.log = gl.getShaderInfoLog(fragmentShader);
    this.shaderProgram = gl.createProgram();
    gl.attachShader(this.shaderProgram, vertexShader);
    gl.attachShader(this.shaderProgram, fragmentShader);

    if (!gl.getProgramParameter(this.shaderProgram, gl.LINK_STATUS)) {
      console.log("Could not initialise shaders");
    _(this.attributeSpecs).each(function(aSpec) {
      aSpec.position = gl.getAttribLocation(thatShader.shaderProgram, aSpec.varname);
    _(this.uniformSpecs).each(function(uSpec) {
      uSpec.position = gl.getUniformLocation(thatShader.shaderProgram, uSpec.varname);
    this.isSetup = true;
    return this.log=='';


 NODE: FileTexture (EX9.Texture)
 Author(s): Matthias Zauner
 Original Node Author(s): VVVV Group

VVVV.Nodes.FileTexture = function(id, graph) {
  this.constructor(id, "FileTexture (EX9.Texture)", graph);
  this.auto_nil = false;
  this.meta = {
    authors: ['Matthias Zauner'],
    original_authors: ['VVVV Group'],
    credits: [],
    compatibility_issues: ['Always loads in background', 'No reload pin', 'No preload pin (preloading handled by browser)', 'No up and running pin', 'No texture info outputs']
  this.auto_evaluate = false;

  var filenamePin = this.addInputPin("Filename", [""], VVVV.PinTypes.String);
  var outputPin = this.addOutputPin("Texture Out", [], VVVV.PinTypes.WebGlTexture);
  var typeIn = this.addInvisiblePin("Type", ["Texture"], VVVV.PinTypes.Enum);
  typeIn.enumOptions = ["Texture", "Cube Texture"];
  var textures = [];
  this.evaluate = function() {

    if (!this.renderContexts) return;
    var gl = this.renderContexts[0];
    if (!gl)
    if (this.contextChanged) {
      for (var i=0; i<textures.length; i++) {
      textures = [];
    if (filenamePin.pinIsChanged() || typeIn.pinIsChanged() || this.contextChanged) {
      var type = typeIn.getValue(0);
      var maxSize = this.getMaxInputSliceCount();
      for (var i=0; i<maxSize; i++) {
        var filename = VVVV.Helpers.prepareFilePath(filenamePin.getValue(i), this.parentPatch);
        if (filename.indexOf('http://')===0 && VVVV.ImageProxyPrefix!==undefined)
          filename = VVVV.ImageProxyPrefix+encodeURI(filename);
        textures[i] = gl.createTexture();
        textures[i].context = gl;
        if (type=="Texture") {
          textures[i].image = new Image();
          textures[i].image.onload = (function(j) {
            return function() {  // this is to create a new scope within the loop. see "javascript closure in for loops"
              gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, null);
              gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, textures[j]);
              //gl.pixelStorei(gl.UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL, true);
              gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, textures[j].image);
              gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.NEAREST);
              gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.NEAREST);
              gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, null);
              outputPin.setValue(j, textures[j]);
          textures[i].image.src = filename;
        else if (type=="Cube Texture") {
          textures[i].image = new Image();
          textures[i].image.onload = (function(j) {
            return function() {
              var faces = [
                {face: gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X, offset: [2, 1]},
                {face: gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X, offset: [0, 1]},
                {face: gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y, offset: [1, 0]},
                {face: gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y, offset: [1, 2]},
                {face: gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z, offset: [1, 1]},
                {face: gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z, offset: [3, 1]}];
              gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, textures[j]);
              var $texcanvas = $('<canvas style="display:none" width="'+(this.width/4)+'" height="'+(this.height/3)+'"></canvas>');
              var ctx = $texcanvas.get(0).getContext("2d");
              for (var k=0; k<6; k++) {
                ctx.translate(-this.width/4 * faces[k].offset[0], -this.height/3 * faces[k].offset[1]);
                ctx.drawImage(this, 0, 0);
                gl.texImage2D(faces[k].face, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, $texcanvas.get(0));
                gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.NEAREST);
                gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.NEAREST);
              gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, null);
              outputPin.setValue(j, textures[j]);
          textures[i].image.src = filename;
        outputPin.setValue(i, VVVV.defaultTexture);
    this.contextChanged = false;
  this.destroy = function() {
    for (var i=0; i<textures.length; i++) {

VVVV.Nodes.FileTexture.prototype = new VVVV.Core.Node();

 NODE: DX9Texture (EX9.Texture)
 Author(s): Matthias Zauner
 Original Node Author(s): VVVV Group

VVVV.Nodes.DX9Texture = function(id, graph) {
  this.constructor(id, "DX9Texture (EX9.Texture)", graph);
  this.auto_nil = false;
  this.meta = {
    authors: ['Matthias Zauner'],
    original_authors: ['VVVV Group'],
    credits: [],
    compatibility_issues: ['Using WebGL renderer as source doesnt work correctly in Chrome.']

  var sourceIn = this.addInputPin("Source", [], VVVV.PinTypes.WebGlResource);
  var outputOut = this.addOutputPin("Texture Out", [], VVVV.PinTypes.WebGlTexture);
  var texture;
  this.evaluate = function() {
    if (!this.renderContexts) return;
    var gl = this.renderContexts[0];
    if (!gl)
    if (this.contextChanged && texture) {
      texture = undefined;

    if (sourceIn.isConnected()) {
      var source = sourceIn.getValue(0);
      if (!source)
      if ( (source.width & (source.width-1)) != 0 || (source.height & (source.height-1)) != 0)
        console.log("Warning: Source renderer's width/height is not a power of 2. DX9Texture will most likely not work.");
      if (source instanceof WebGLTexture) {
        outputOut.setValue(0, source);
      else {
        if (texture==undefined) {
          texture = gl.createTexture();
          texture.context = gl;
        gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture);
        //gl.pixelStorei(gl.UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL, true);
        gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, source);
        gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.LINEAR);
        gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.LINEAR);
        gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, null);
        outputOut.setValue(0, texture);
    else {
      delete texture;
      outputOut.setValue(0, undefined);
    this.contextChanged = false;
  this.destroy = function() {
    if (texture)

VVVV.Nodes.DX9Texture.prototype = new VVVV.Core.Node();

 NODE: VideoTexture (EX9.Texture VMR9)
 Author(s): Matthias Zauner
 Original Node Author(s): VVVV Group

VVVV.Nodes.VideoTexture = function(id, graph) {
  this.constructor(id, "VideoTexture (EX9.Texture VMR9)", graph);
  this.auto_nil = false;
  this.meta = {
    authors: ['Matthias Zauner'],
    original_authors: ['VVVV Group'],
    credits: [],
    compatibility_issues: ['Only supports power-of-2 sized videos', 'Has no output pins for meta data']

  var sourceIn = this.addInputPin("Video", [], this);
  var outputOut = this.addOutputPin("Texture Out", [], VVVV.PinTypes.WebGlTexture);
  var texture;
  this.evaluate = function() {
    if (!this.renderContexts) return;
    var gl = this.renderContexts[0];
    if (!gl)

    if (sourceIn.isConnected()) {
      var source = sourceIn.getValue(0);
      if ( (source.videoWidth & (source.videoWidth-1)) != 0 || (source.videoHeight & (source.videoHeight-1)) != 0)
        console.log("Warning: Video width/height is not a power of 2. VideoTexture will most likely not work.");
      if (texture==undefined || this.contextChanged)
        texture = gl.createTexture();
      gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture);
      //gl.pixelStorei(gl.UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL, true);
      gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, source);
      gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.NEAREST);
      gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.NEAREST);
      gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, null);
      outputOut.setValue(0, texture);
      this.contextChanged = false;
    else {
      delete texture;
      outputOut.setValue(0, undefined);

VVVV.Nodes.VideoTexture.prototype = new VVVV.Core.Node();

 NODE: VertexBuffer(EX9.Geometry Join)
 Author(s): Matthias Zauner
 Original Node Author(s): VVVV Group

VVVV.Nodes.VertexBufferJoin = function(id, graph) {
  this.constructor(id, "VertexBuffer (EX9.Geometry Join)", graph);
  this.auto_nil = false;
  this.meta = {
    authors: ['Matthias Zauner'],
    original_authors: ['VVVV Group'],
    credits: [],
    compatibility_issues: []
  var posIn = this.addInputPin("Position XYZ", [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], VVVV.PinTypes.Value);
  var normalIn = this.addInputPin("Normal XYZ", [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], VVVV.PinTypes.Value);
  var texCoord0In = this.addInputPin("Texture Coordinate 0 XY", [0.0, 0.0], VVVV.PinTypes.Value);
  var applyIn = this.addInputPin("Apply", [1], VVVV.PinTypes.Value);
  var vbOut = this.addOutputPin("Vertex Buffer", [], VVVV.PinTypes.WebGlResource);
  var vertexBuffer = null;
  this.evaluate = function() {
    var gl = this.renderContexts[0];
    if (!gl)
    if (applyIn.getValue(0)>=.5) {
      var positions = [];
      var texCoords0 = [];
      var normals = [];
      for (var i=0; i<this.getMaxInputSliceCount(); i++) { // this is most likely wrong, because texcoord only has 2 elements, which might cause some shift glitch
        positions[i] = parseFloat(posIn.getValue(i));
        texCoords0[i] = parseFloat(texCoord0In.getValue(i));
        normals[i] = parseFloat(normalIn.getValue(i));
      vertexBuffer = new VVVV.Types.VertexBuffer(gl, positions);
      vertexBuffer.setSubBuffer('TEXCOORD0', 2, texCoords0);
      vertexBuffer.setSubBuffer('NORMAL', 3, normals);
      vbOut.setValue(0, vertexBuffer);

VVVV.Nodes.VertexBufferJoin.prototype = new VVVV.Core.Node();

 NODE: Mesh (EX9.Geometry Join)
 Author(s): Matthias Zauner
 Original Node Author(s): VVVV Group

VVVV.Nodes.MeshJoin = function(id, graph) {
  this.constructor(id, "Mesh (EX9.Geometry Join)", graph);
  this.auto_nil = false;
  this.meta = {
    authors: ['Matthias Zauner'],
    original_authors: ['VVVV Group'],
    credits: [],
    compatibility_issues: []
  var vbIn = this.addInputPin("Vertex Buffer", [], VVVV.PinTypes.WebGlResource);
  var indicesIn = this.addInputPin("Indices", [0], VVVV.PinTypes.Value);
  var applyIn = this.addInputPin("Apply", [1], VVVV.PinTypes.Value);
  var meshOut = this.addOutputPin("Mesh", [], VVVV.PinTypes.WebGlResource);
  var mesh = null;
  this.evaluate = function() {
    var gl = this.renderContexts[0];
    if (!gl)
    if (applyIn.getValue(0)>=.5) {
      if (vbIn.isConnected()) {
        mesh = new VVVV.Types.Mesh(gl, vbIn.getValue(0), indicesIn.values);
        meshOut.setValue(0, mesh);
      else {
        meshOut.setValue(0, undefined);
        delete mesh;

VVVV.Nodes.MeshJoin.prototype = new VVVV.Core.Node();

 NODE: Grid (EX9.Geometry)
 Author(s): Matthias Zauner
 Original Node Author(s): VVVV Group

VVVV.Nodes.Grid = function(id, graph) {
  this.constructor(id, "Grid (EX9.Geometry)", graph);
  this.auto_nil = false;
  this.meta = {
    authors: ['Matthias Zauner'],
    original_authors: ['VVVV Group'],
    credits: [],
    compatibility_issues: []
  var xIn = this.addInputPin("Resolution X", [2], VVVV.PinTypes.Value);
  var yIn = this.addInputPin("Resolution Y", [2], VVVV.PinTypes.Value);
  var meshOut = this.addOutputPin("Mesh", [], VVVV.PinTypes.WebGlResource);
  var mesh = null;
  this.evaluate = function() {

    if (!this.renderContexts) return;
    var gl = this.renderContexts[0];
    if (!gl)
    var xRes = parseInt(xIn.getValue(0));
    var yRes = parseInt(yIn.getValue(0));
    var vertices = [];
    var normals = [];
    var texCoords = [];
    var index = 0;
    for (var y=0; y<yRes; y++) {
      for (var x=0; x<xRes; x++) {
    var vertexBuffer = new VVVV.Types.VertexBuffer(gl, vertices);
    vertexBuffer.setSubBuffer('TEXCOORD0', 2, texCoords);
    vertexBuffer.setSubBuffer('NORMAL', 3, normals);
    var indices = [];
    for (var y=0; y<yRes-1; y++) {
      for (var x=0; x<xRes-1; x++) {
        var refP = x+xRes*y;
    mesh = new VVVV.Types.Mesh(gl, vertexBuffer, indices);
    meshOut.setValue(0, mesh);

VVVV.Nodes.Grid.prototype = new VVVV.Core.Node();

 NODE: Sphere (EX9.Geometry)
 Author(s): Matthias Zauner
 Original Node Author(s): VVVV Group

VVVV.Nodes.Sphere = function(id, graph) {
  this.constructor(id, "Sphere (EX9.Geometry)", graph);
  this.auto_nil = false;
  this.meta = {
    authors: ['Matthias Zauner'],
    original_authors: ['VVVV Group'],
    credits: [],
    compatibility_issues: []
  var rIn = this.addInputPin("Radius", [0.5], VVVV.PinTypes.Value);
  var xIn = this.addInputPin("Resolution X", [15], VVVV.PinTypes.Value);
  var yIn = this.addInputPin("Resolution Y", [15], VVVV.PinTypes.Value);
  var meshOut = this.addOutputPin("Mesh", [], VVVV.PinTypes.WebGlResource);
  var mesh = null;
  this.evaluate = function() {
    if (!this.renderContexts) return;
    var gl = this.renderContexts[0];
    if (!gl)
    var xRes = parseInt(xIn.getValue(0));
    var yRes = parseInt(yIn.getValue(0));
    var radius = parseFloat(rIn.getValue(0));
    var vertices = [];
    var normals = [];
    var texCoords = [];
    for (var y=0; y<yRes+1; y++) {
      var yPos = Math.cos(-parseFloat(y)/yRes*Math.PI);
      for (var x=0; x<xRes; x++) {
        var xPos = Math.cos(parseFloat(x)/xRes*2*Math.PI)*Math.cos(Math.asin(yPos));
        var zPos = Math.sin(parseFloat(x)/xRes*2*Math.PI)*Math.cos(Math.asin(yPos));
    var vertexBuffer = new VVVV.Types.VertexBuffer(gl, vertices);
    vertexBuffer.setSubBuffer('TEXCOORD0', 2, texCoords);
    vertexBuffer.setSubBuffer('NORMAL', 3, normals);
    var indices = [];
    for (var y=0; y<yRes; y++) {
      for (var x=0; x<xRes; x++) {
        var yOff = xRes*y;
        var refP = x+yOff;
    mesh = new VVVV.Types.Mesh(gl, vertexBuffer, indices);
    meshOut.setValue(0, mesh);

VVVV.Nodes.Sphere.prototype = new VVVV.Core.Node();

 NODE: Cylinder (EX9.Geometry)
 Author(s): Matthias Zauner
 Original Node Author(s): VVVV Group

VVVV.Nodes.Cylinder = function(id, graph) {
  this.constructor(id, "Cylinder (EX9.Geometry)", graph);
  this.auto_nil = false;
  this.meta = {
    authors: ['Matthias Zauner'],
    original_authors: ['VVVV Group'],
    credits: [],
    compatibility_issues: []
  var r1In = this.addInputPin("Radius 1", [0.5], VVVV.PinTypes.Value);
  var r2In = this.addInputPin("Radius 2", [0.5], VVVV.PinTypes.Value);
  var lIn = this.addInputPin("Length", [1.0], VVVV.PinTypes.Value);
  var cyclesIn = this.addInputPin("Cycles", [1.0], VVVV.PinTypes.Value);
  var capsIn = this.addInputPin("Caps", [1], VVVV.PinTypes.Value);
  var xIn = this.addInputPin("Resolution X", [15], VVVV.PinTypes.Value);
  var yIn = this.addInputPin("Resolution Y", [1], VVVV.PinTypes.Value);
  var meshOut = this.addOutputPin("Mesh", [], VVVV.PinTypes.WebGlResource);
  var mesh = null;
  this.evaluate = function() {
    if (!this.renderContexts) return;
    var gl = this.renderContexts[0];
    if (!gl)
    var xRes = parseInt(xIn.getValue(0));
    var yRes = parseInt(yIn.getValue(0));
    var radius1 = parseFloat(r1In.getValue(0));
    var radius2 = parseFloat(r2In.getValue(0));
    var length = parseFloat(lIn.getValue(0));
    var cycles = parseFloat(cyclesIn.getValue(0));
    var vertices = [];
    var normals = [];
    var texCoords = [];
    // cap vertices ...
    // other vertices ...
    for (var y=0; y<yRes+1; y++) {
      var n = parseFloat(y)/yRes
      var yPos = (n - 0.5) * -length;
      for (var x=0; x<xRes+1; x++) {
        var xPos = Math.cos((parseFloat(x)/xRes*2*Math.PI * cycles  - Math.PI*cycles -Math.PI/2));
        var zPos = Math.sin((parseFloat(x)/xRes*2*Math.PI * cycles  - Math.PI*cycles -Math.PI/2));
        var r = n*radius2 + (1-n)*radius1;
    var vertexBuffer = new VVVV.Types.VertexBuffer(gl, vertices);
    vertexBuffer.setSubBuffer('TEXCOORD0', 2, texCoords);
    vertexBuffer.setSubBuffer('NORMAL', 3, normals);
    var indices = [];
    // caps indices ...
    if (capsIn.getValue(0)>.5) {
      for (var n=0; n<2; n++) {
        for (var x=0; x<xRes; x++) {
    // other indices ...
    for (var y=0; y<yRes; y++) {
      for (var x=0; x<xRes; x++) {
        var refP = x+(xRes+1)*y + 2;
    mesh = new VVVV.Types.Mesh(gl, vertexBuffer, indices);
    meshOut.setValue(0, mesh);

VVVV.Nodes.Cylinder.prototype = new VVVV.Core.Node();

 NODE: Blend (EX9.RenderState Advanced)
 Author(s): Matthias Zauner
 Original Node Author(s): VVVV Group

VVVV.Nodes.BlendWebGLAdvanced = function(id, graph) {
  this.constructor(id, "Blend (EX9.RenderState Advanced)", graph);
  this.meta = {
    authors: ['Matthias Zauner'],
    original_authors: ['VVVV Group'],
    credits: [],
    compatibility_issues: []
  var renderStateIn = this.addInputPin("Render State In", [], VVVV.PinTypes.WebGlRenderState);
  var alphaBlendingIn = this.addInputPin("Alpha Blending", [1], VVVV.PinTypes.Value);
  var srcModeIn = this.addInputPin("Source Blend Mode", ['SrcAlpha'], VVVV.PinTypes.Enum); 
  var destModeIn = this.addInputPin("Destination Blend Mode", ['SrcAlpha'], VVVV.PinTypes.Enum);
  srcModeIn.enumOptions = destModeIn.enumOptions = ['One', 'Zero', 'SrcAlpha', 'InvSrcAlpha', 'DestAlpha', 'InvDestAlpha', 'SrcColor', 'InvSrcColor', 'DestColor', 'InvDestColor'];
  var renderStateOut = this.addOutputPin("Render State Out", [], VVVV.PinTypes.WebGlRenderState);
  var renderStates = [];
  function convertToWebGLBlendFactor(VVVVFactor) {
    switch (VVVVFactor) {
      case 'One': return "ONE";
      case 'Zero': return "ZERO";
      case 'SrcAlpha': return "SRC_ALPHA";
      case 'InvSrcAlpha': return "ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA";
      case 'DestAlpha': return "DST_ALPHA";
      case 'InvDestAlpha': return "ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA";
      case 'SrcColor': return "SRC_COLOR";
      case 'InvSrcColor': return "ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR";
      case 'DestColor': return "DST_COLOR";
      case 'InvDestColor': return "ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR";
    return null;
  this.evaluate = function() {
    var maxSpreadSize = this.getMaxInputSliceCount();
    for (var i=0; i<maxSpreadSize; i++) {
      if (renderStates[i]==undefined) {
        renderStates[i] = new VVVV.Types.WebGlRenderState();
      renderStates[i].alphaBlending = parseFloat(alphaBlendingIn.getValue(i))>.5;
      renderStates[i].srcBlendMode = convertToWebGLBlendFactor(srcModeIn.getValue(i));
      renderStates[i].destBlendMode = convertToWebGLBlendFactor(destModeIn.getValue(i));
      renderStateOut.setValue(i, renderStates[i]);

VVVV.Nodes.BlendWebGLAdvanced.prototype = new VVVV.Core.Node();

 NODE: Blend (EX9.RenderState)
 Author(s): Matthias Zauner
 Original Node Author(s): VVVV Group

VVVV.Nodes.BlendWebGL = function(id, graph) {
  this.constructor(id, "Blend (EX9.RenderState)", graph);
  this.meta = {
    authors: ['Matthias Zauner'],
    original_authors: ['VVVV Group'],
    credits: [],
    compatibility_issues: ['results differ from VVVV', 'Multiply mode not supported']
  var renderStateIn = this.addInputPin("Render State In", [], VVVV.PinTypes.WebGlRenderState);
  var drawModeIn = this.addInputPin("Draw Mode", ["Blend"], VVVV.PinTypes.Enum);
  drawModeIn.enumOptions = ['Add', 'Multiply', 'Blend', 'ColorAsAlphaAdd', 'ColorAsAlphaBlend'];
  var renderStateOut = this.addOutputPin("Render State Out", [], VVVV.PinTypes.WebGlRenderState);
  var renderStates = [];
  this.evaluate = function() {
    var maxSpreadSize = this.getMaxInputSliceCount();
    for (var i=0; i<maxSpreadSize; i++) {
      if (renderStates[i]==undefined) {
        renderStates[i] = new VVVV.Types.WebGlRenderState();
      switch (drawModeIn.getValue(i)) {
        case "Add":
          renderStates[i].srcBlendMode = "SRC_ALPHA";
          renderStates[i].destBlendMode = "ONE";
        case "Multiply":
          console.log("Multiply Blend Mode not supported (or we just missed it)");
        case "Blend":
          renderStates[i].srcBlendMode = "SRC_ALPHA";
          renderStates[i].destBlendMode = "ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA";
        case "ColorAsAlphaAdd":
          renderStates[i].srcBlendMode = "SRC_COLOR";
          renderStates[i].destBlendMode = "ONE";
        case "ColorAsAlphaBlend":
          renderStates[i].srcBlendMode = "SRC_COLOR";
          renderStates[i].destBlendMode = "ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR";
      renderStateOut.setValue(i, renderStates[i]);

VVVV.Nodes.BlendWebGL.prototype = new VVVV.Core.Node();

 NODE: Fill (EX9.RenderState)
 Author(s): Matthias Zauner
 Original Node Author(s): VVVV Group

VVVV.Nodes.FillWebGL = function(id, graph) {
  this.constructor(id, "Fill (EX9.RenderState)", graph);
  this.meta = {
    authors: ['Matthias Zauner'],
    original_authors: ['VVVV Group'],
    credits: [],
    compatibility_issues: ['does not actually draw wireframe, because this is not supported in WebGL, but makes renderer use gl.LINE instead of gl.TRIANGLES when drawing']
  var renderStateIn = this.addInputPin("Render State In", [], VVVV.PinTypes.WebGlRenderState);
  var fillModeIn = this.addInputPin("Fill Mode", ["Solid"], VVVV.PinTypes.Enum);
  fillModeIn.enumOptions = ['Point', 'Solid', 'WireFrame'];
  var renderStateOut = this.addOutputPin("Render State Out", [], VVVV.PinTypes.WebGlRenderState);
  var renderStates = [];
  this.evaluate = function() {
    var maxSpreadSize = this.getMaxInputSliceCount();
    for (var i=0; i<maxSpreadSize; i++) {
      if (renderStates[i]==undefined) {
        renderStates[i] = new VVVV.Types.WebGlRenderState();
      switch (fillModeIn.getValue(i)) {
        case 'Point':
          renderStates[i].polygonDrawMode = "POINTS";
        case 'Solid':
          renderStates[i].polygonDrawMode = "TRIANGLES";
        case 'WireFrame':
          renderStates[i].polygonDrawMode = "LINES";
      renderStateOut.setValue(i, renderStates[i]);

VVVV.Nodes.FillWebGL.prototype = new VVVV.Core.Node();

 NODE: ZWriteEnable (EX9.RenderState)
 Author(s): Matthias Zauner
 Original Node Author(s): VVVV Group

VVVV.Nodes.ZWriteEnableWebGL = function(id, graph) {
  this.constructor(id, "ZWriteEnable (EX9.RenderState)", graph);
  this.meta = {
    authors: ['Matthias Zauner'],
    original_authors: ['VVVV Group'],
    credits: [],
    compatibility_issues: []
  var renderStateIn = this.addInputPin("Render State In", [], VVVV.PinTypes.WebGlRenderState);
  var enableZWriteIn = this.addInputPin("ZWrite Enable", [1], VVVV.PinTypes.Value);
  var depthFuncIn = this.addInputPin("Compare Function", ['Always'], VVVV.PinTypes.Enum); 
  depthFuncIn.enumOptions = ['Never', 'Less', 'LessEqual', 'Equal', 'NotEqual', 'Greater', 'GreaterEqual', 'Always'];
  var biasIn = this.addInputPin("Depth Bias", [0.0], VVVV.PinTypes.Value); 
  var renderStateOut = this.addOutputPin("Render State Out", [], VVVV.PinTypes.WebGlRenderState);
  var renderStates = [];
  function convertToWebGLDepthFunc(VVVVFunc) {
    switch (VVVVFunc) {
      case 'Never': return "NEVER";
      case 'Less': return "LESS";
      case 'LessEqual': return "LEQUAL";
      case 'Equal': return "EQUAL";
      case 'NotEqual': return "NOTEQUAL";
      case 'Greater': return "GREATER";
      case 'GreaterEqual': return "GEQUAL";
      case 'Always': return "ALWAYS";
    return null;
  this.evaluate = function() {
    var maxSpreadSize = this.getMaxInputSliceCount();
    for (var i=0; i<maxSpreadSize; i++) {
      if (renderStates[i]==undefined) {
        renderStates[i] = new VVVV.Types.WebGlRenderState();
      renderStates[i].enableZWrite = parseFloat(enableZWriteIn.getValue(i))>.5;
      renderStates[i].depthFunc = convertToWebGLDepthFunc(depthFuncIn.getValue(i));
      renderStates[i].depthOffset = parseFloat(biasIn.getValue(0));
      renderStateOut.setValue(i, renderStates[i]);

VVVV.Nodes.ZWriteEnableWebGL.prototype = new VVVV.Core.Node();

 NODE: GenericShader (EX9.Effect)
 Author(s): Matthias Zauner
 Original Node Author(s): VVVV Group

VVVV.Nodes.GenericShader = function(id, graph) {
  this.constructor(id, "GenericShader (EX9.Effect)", graph);
  this.auto_nil = false;
  this.meta = {
    authors: ['Matthias Zauner'],
    original_authors: ['VVVV Group'],
    credits: [],
    compatibility_issues: []
  this.shaderFile = '';
  var renderStateIn = this.addInputPin("Render State", [], VVVV.PinTypes.WebGlRenderState);
  var meshIn = this.addInputPin("Mesh", [], VVVV.PinTypes.WebGlResource);
  var transformIn = this.addInputPin("Transform", [], VVVV.PinTypes.Transform);
  var techniqueIn = this.addInputPin("Technique", [''], VVVV.PinTypes.Enum);
  techniqueIn.enumOptions = [''];
  var layerOut = this.addOutputPin("Layer", [], VVVV.PinTypes.WebGlResource);
  var layers = [];
  var mesh = null;
  var shader = null;
  var shaderCode;
  var shaderCodeChanged = false;
  var shaderPins = [];
  var initialized = false;
  var thatNode = this;
  this.initialize = function() {
    // add the pins which have already been added (by the patch XML) to the shaderPins array
    var defaultPins = ["Render State", "Mesh", "Transform", "Technique"];
    _(thatNode.inputPins).each(function(p) {
      if (defaultPins.indexOf(p.pinname)<0) {
        p.unvalidated = true;
    if (VVVV.ShaderCodeResources[thatNode.shaderFile]==undefined) {
      VVVV.ShaderCodeResources[thatNode.shaderFile] = new VVVV.Types.ShaderCodeResource();
        url: VVVV.Helpers.prepareFilePath(thatNode.shaderFile, thatNode.parentPatch),
        async: false,
        dataType: 'text',
        success: function(response) {
        error: function() {
          console.log('ERROR: Could not load shader file '+thatNode.shaderFile.replace('%VVVV%', VVVV.Root));
          VVVV.onNotImplemented('Could not load shader file '+thatNode.shaderFile.replace('%VVVV%', VVVV.Root));
    else {
  this.shaderSourceUpdated = function(sc) {
    shaderCode = sc;
    if (!shader)
      shader = new VVVV.Types.ShaderProgram();
    _(thatNode.inputPins).each(function(p) {
    shaderCodeChanged = true;
  this.addUniformPins = function() {
    // delete pins which have been removed from shader code or where the type changed
    var deletables = [];
    for (var i=0; i<shaderPins.length; i++) {
      if (!shader.uniformSpecs[shaderPins[i].pinname.replace(/ /g, '_')]) {
    for (var i=0; i<deletables.length; i++) {
      shaderPins.splice(deletables[i], 1);
    // add pins
    _(shader.uniformSpecs).each(function(u) {
      if (u.semantic=="VIEW" || u.semantic=="PROJECTION" || u.semantic=="WORLD")
      var pinType = VVVV.PinTypes.Value;
      var defaultValue = [];
      switch (u.type) {
        case 'mat':
          pinType = VVVV.PinTypes.Transform;
        case 'samplerCube':
        case 'sampler':
          pinType = VVVV.PinTypes.WebGlTexture;
          if (u.semantic == 'COLOR') {
            pinType = VVVV.PinTypes.Color;
            defaultValue = ['1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0'];
            defaultValue = [0.0];
          if (u.defaultValue) {
            if (u.semantic != 'COLOR')
              defaultValue = _(u.defaultValue.split(',')).map(function(e) { return parseFloat(e); });
              defaultValue = [u.defaultValue];
      for (var i=0; i<shaderPins.length; i++) {
        if (shaderPins[i].pinname==u.varname.replace(/_/g,' ')) {
          shaderPins[i].dimensions = u.dimension;
          if (shaderPins[i].unvalidated && !shaderPins[i].isConnected())
            shaderPins[i].values = thatNode.defaultPinValues[shaderPins[i].pinname] ? thatNode.defaultPinValues[shaderPins[i].pinname].slice() : defaultValue;
          if (shaderPins[i].typeName!=pinType.typeName) {
            var values = shaderPins[i].values.slice();
            if (shaderPins[i].unvalidated && (pinType.primitive || shaderPins[i].isConnected()))
              shaderPins[i].values = values;
            if (shaderPins[i].isConnected() && !shaderPins[i].unvalidated) {
          shaderPins[i].unvalidated = false;
      var pin = thatNode.addInputPin(u.varname.replace(/_/g,' '), defaultValue, pinType);
      pin.dimensions = u.dimension;
  this.setupShader = function() {
    var technique = techniqueIn.getValue(0);
    technique = technique.replace(/^\s*/, '').replace(/\s*$/, '');
    var rx = new RegExp(/(vertex_shader|fragment_shader)\{([^\}]+)\}/g);
    techniqueIn.enumOptions = [];
    var match;
    while ((match = rx.exec(shaderCode))!=null) {
      techniqueIn.enumOptions = techniqueIn.enumOptions.concat(match[2].replace(/\s/g, '').split(','));
    techniqueIn.enumOptions = techniqueIn.enumOptions.filter(function(e, index, self) { return self.indexOf(e)===index })
    if (techniqueIn.enumOptions.length==0)
    if (technique=="" || techniqueIn.enumOptions.indexOf(technique)<0) {
      technique = techniqueIn.enumOptions[0];
      techniqueIn.setValue(0, technique);
    var vsRegEx = new RegExp('vertex_shader(\\{([a-zA-Z0-9]+,\\s*)*'+technique+'(,\\s*[a-zA-Z0-9]+)*\\})?:([\\s\\S]*?)(vertex_shader|fragment_shader)');
    var psRegEx = new RegExp('fragment_shader(\\{([a-zA-Z0-9]+,\\s*)*'+technique+'(,\\s*[a-zA-Z0-9]+)*\\})?:([\\s\\S]*?)(vertex_shader|fragment_shader)');
    var match;
    match = /STARTOFSTRING((\r?\n|.)*?)(vertex_shader|fragment_shader)/.exec('STARTOFSTRING'+shaderCode);
    var varDefs = match[1];
    if ((match = vsRegEx.exec(shaderCode+'\nfragment_shader'))==undefined) {
      console.log('ERROR: No vertex shader code for technique '+technique+' found');
    var vertexShaderCode = match[4];
    if ((match = psRegEx.exec(shaderCode+'\nfragment_shader'))==undefined) {
      console.log('ERROR: No fragment shader code for technique '+technique+' found');
    var fragmentShaderCode = match[4];
  this.evaluate = function() {
    if (!this.renderContexts) return;
    var gl = this.renderContexts[0];
    if (!gl || !shader)
    if (!shader.isSetup || this.contextChanged || techniqueIn.pinIsChanged()) {
      if (shader.setup(gl)) {
        if (VVVV.ShaderCodeResources[thatNode.shaderFile].definingNode)
          VVVV.ShaderCodeResources[thatNode.shaderFile].definingNode.showStatus('success', "Successfully compiled");
      else {
        if (VVVV.ShaderCodeResources[thatNode.shaderFile].definingNode)
          VVVV.ShaderCodeResources[thatNode.shaderFile].definingNode.showStatus('error', shader.log);

    // find out input slice count with respect to the input pin dimension, defined by the shader code  
    var maxSize = 0;
    _(this.inputPins).each(function(p) {
      var sliceCount = p.getSliceCount();
      var pinname = p.pinname.replace(/ /g,'_')
      if (shader.uniformSpecs[pinname] && shader.uniformSpecs[pinname].type=='vec' && shader.uniformSpecs[pinname].semantic!='COLOR') {
        sliceCount = parseInt(sliceCount/shader.uniformSpecs[pinname].dimension);
      if (sliceCount > maxSize)
        maxSize = sliceCount;
    if (!meshIn.isConnected() || meshIn.getValue(0)==undefined)
      maxSize = 0;
    var currentLayerCount = layers.length;
    if (this.contextChanged || shaderCodeChanged)
      currentLayerCount = 0;
    // shorten layers array, if input slice count decreases
    if (maxSize<currentLayerCount) {
      layers.splice(maxSize, currentLayerCount-maxSize);
    for (var j=currentLayerCount; j<maxSize; j++) {
      layers[j] = new VVVV.Types.Layer();
      layers[j].mesh = meshIn.getValue(0);
      layers[j].shader = shader;
      _(shader.uniformSpecs).each(function(u) {
        layers[j].uniforms[u.varname] = { uniformSpec: u, value: undefined };
    if (meshIn.pinIsChanged()) {
      for (var j=0; j<maxSize; j++) {
      	layers[j].mesh = meshIn.getValue(0);
    for (var j=0; j<maxSize; j++) {
      layers[j].shader = shader;
    for (var i=0; i<shaderPins.length; i++) {
      var pinname = shaderPins[i].pinname.replace(/ /g, '_');
      if (shaderPins[i].pinIsChanged() || currentLayerCount<maxSize) {
        for (var j=0; j<maxSize; j++) {
          if (shader.uniformSpecs[pinname].type=='vec') {
            if (shader.uniformSpecs[pinname].semantic=='COLOR') {
              var rgba = _(shaderPins[i].getValue(j).split(',')).map(function(x) { return parseFloat(x) });
              layers[j].uniforms[pinname].value = new Float32Array(rgba);
            else {
              var arr = shaderPins[i].getValue(j, shaderPins[i].dimensions);
              layers[j].uniforms[pinname].value = new Float32Array(arr);
          else {
            var v = shaderPins[i].getValue(j);
            layers[j].uniforms[pinname].value = v;
    if (renderStateIn.pinIsChanged() || currentLayerCount<maxSize) {
      for (var i=0; i<maxSize; i++) {
        if (renderStateIn.isConnected())
          layers[i].renderState = renderStateIn.getValue(i);
          layers[i].renderState = VVVV.DefaultRenderState;
    if (transformIn.pinIsChanged() || currentLayerCount<maxSize) {
      for (var i=0; i<maxSize; i++) {
        var transform = this.inputPins["Transform"].getValue(i);
        layers[i].uniforms[layers[i].shader.uniformSemanticMap['WORLD']].value = transform;
    for (var i=0; i<maxSize; i++) {
      this.outputPins["Layer"].setValue(i, layers[i]);
    this.contextChanged = false;
    shaderCodeChanged = false;
  this.openUIWindow = function() {
    if (VVVV.ShaderCodeResources[thatNode.shaderFile].definingNode)

VVVV.Nodes.GenericShader.prototype = new VVVV.Core.Node();

 NODE: Quad (DX9)
 Author(s): Matthias Zauner
 Original Node Author(s): VVVV Group

VVVV.Nodes.Quad = function(id, graph) {
  this.constructor(id, "Quad (DX9)", graph);
  this.auto_nil = false;
  this.meta = {
    authors: ['Matthias Zauner'],
    original_authors: ['VVVV Group'],
    credits: [],
    compatibility_issues: ['No Sampler States', 'No texture coord mapping', 'No enable pin', 'Transprent pixels are discarded by default']
  this.auto_evaluate = false;
  var renderStateIn = this.addInputPin("Render State", [], VVVV.PinTypes.WebGlRenderState);
  this.addInputPin("Transform", [], VVVV.PinTypes.Transform);
  this.addInputPin("Texture", [], VVVV.PinTypes.WebGlTexture);
  this.addInputPin("Texture Transform", [], VVVV.PinTypes.Transform);
  this.addInputPin("Color", ["1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0"], VVVV.PinTypes.Color);
  var layerOut = this.addOutputPin("Layer", [], VVVV.PinTypes.WebGlResource);
  var initialized = false;
  var layers = [];
  var mesh = null;
  var shader = null;
  this.evaluate = function() {
    if (!this.renderContexts) return;
    var gl = this.renderContexts[0];
    if (!gl)
    if (this.contextChanged) {
      var vertices = [
         0.5,  0.5,  0.0,
        -0.5,  0.5,  0.0,
         0.5, -0.5,  0.0,
        -0.5, -0.5,  0.0
      var texCoords = [
        1.0, 0.0,
        0.0, 0.0,
        1.0, 1.0,
        0.0, 1.0
      var vertexBuffer = new VVVV.Types.VertexBuffer(gl, vertices);
      vertexBuffer.setSubBuffer('TEXCOORD0', 2, texCoords);
      mesh = new VVVV.Types.Mesh(gl, vertexBuffer, [ 0, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2 ]);
      // shaders
      var fragmentShaderCode = "#ifdef GL_ES\n";
      fragmentShaderCode += "precision highp float;\n";
      fragmentShaderCode += "#endif\n";
      fragmentShaderCode += "uniform vec4 col : COLOR = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}; varying vec2 vs2psTexCd; uniform sampler2D Samp0; void main(void) { gl_FragColor = col*texture2D(Samp0, vs2psTexCd); if (gl_FragColor.a==0.0) discard;  }";
      var vertexShaderCode = "attribute vec3 PosO : POSITION; attribute vec2 TexCd : TEXCOORD0; uniform mat4 tW : WORLD; uniform mat4 tV : VIEW; uniform mat4 tP : PROJECTION; uniform mat4 tTex; varying vec2 vs2psTexCd; void main(void) { gl_Position = tP * tV * tW * vec4(PosO, 1.0); vs2psTexCd = (tTex * vec4(TexCd.xy-.5, 0.0, 1.0)).xy+.5; }";
      shader = new VVVV.Types.ShaderProgram();
      shader.extractSemantics(fragmentShaderCode + vertexShaderCode);
    var maxSize = this.getMaxInputSliceCount();
    var currentLayerCount = layers.length;
    if (this.contextChanged)
      currentLayerCount = 0;
    // shorten layers array, if input slice count decreases
    if (maxSize<currentLayerCount) {
      layers.splice(maxSize, currentLayerCount-maxSize);
    for (var j=currentLayerCount; j<maxSize; j++) {
      layers[j] = new VVVV.Types.Layer();
      layers[j].mesh = mesh;
      layers[j].shader = shader;
      _(shader.uniformSpecs).each(function(u) {
        layers[j].uniforms[u.varname] = { uniformSpec: u, value: undefined };
    var colorChanged = this.inputPins["Color"].pinIsChanged();
    var transformChanged = this.inputPins["Transform"].pinIsChanged();
    var textureChanged = this.inputPins["Texture"].pinIsChanged();
    var textureTransformChanged = this.inputPins["Texture Transform"].pinIsChanged();
    if (colorChanged || currentLayerCount<maxSize) {
      for (var i=0; i<maxSize; i++) {
        var color = this.inputPins["Color"].getValue(i);
        var rgba = _(color.split(',')).map(function(x) { return parseFloat(x) });
        layers[i].uniforms['col'].value = new Float32Array(rgba);
    if (renderStateIn.pinIsChanged() || currentLayerCount<maxSize) {
      for (var i=0; i<maxSize; i++) {
        if (renderStateIn.isConnected())
          layers[i].renderState = renderStateIn.getValue(i);
          layers[i].renderState = VVVV.DefaultRenderState;
    if (transformChanged || currentLayerCount<maxSize) {
      for (var i=0; i<maxSize; i++) {
        var transform = this.inputPins["Transform"].getValue(i);
        layers[i].uniforms[layers[i].shader.uniformSemanticMap['WORLD']].value = transform;
    if (textureChanged || currentLayerCount<maxSize) {
      for (var i=0; i<maxSize; i++) {
        layers[i].uniforms["Samp0"].value = this.inputPins["Texture"].getValue(i);
    if (textureTransformChanged || currentLayerCount<maxSize) {
      for (var i=0; i<maxSize; i++) {
        var transform = this.inputPins["Texture Transform"].getValue(i);
        layers[i].uniforms["tTex"].value = transform;
    for (var i=0; i<maxSize; i++) {
      this.outputPins["Layer"].setValue(i, layers[i]);
    this.contextChanged = false;

VVVV.Nodes.Quad.prototype = new VVVV.Core.Node();

 NODE: Group (EX9)
 Author(s): Matthias Zauner
 Original Node Author(s): VVVV Group

VVVV.Nodes.Group = function(id, graph) {
  this.constructor(id, "Group (EX9)", graph);
  this.auto_nil = false;
  this.meta = {
    authors: ['Matthias Zauner'],
    original_authors: ['VVVV Group'],
    credits: [],
    compatibility_issues: []
  var layerIns = [];
  var enableIn = this.addInputPin("Enabled", [1], VVVV.PinTypes.Value);
  var layerCountIn = this.addInvisiblePin("Layer Template Count", [2], VVVV.PinTypes.Value);
  var layerOut = this.addOutputPin("Layer", [], VVVV.PinTypes.WebGlResource);
  this.initialize = function() {
  	var layerCount = Math.max(2, layerCountIn.getValue(0));
  	VVVV.Helpers.dynamicPins(this, layerIns, layerCount, function(i) {
      return this.addInputPin("Layer "+(i+1), [], VVVV.PinTypes.WebGlResource);
  this.evaluate = function() {
  	if (layerCountIn.pinIsChanged()) {
  	var outSliceIdx = 0;
    if(enableIn.getValue(0) > .5) {
      for(var i = 0; i < layerIns.length; i++) {
        for(var j = 0; j < layerIns[i].getSliceCount(); j++) {
          layerOut.setValue(outSliceIdx++, layerIns[i].getValue(j));

VVVV.Nodes.Group.prototype = new VVVV.Core.Node();

 NODE: Renderer (EX9)
 Author(s): Matthias Zauner
 Original Node Author(s): VVVV Group

VVVV.Nodes.RendererWebGL = function(id, graph) {
  this.constructor(id, "Renderer (EX9)", graph);
  this.auto_nil = false;
  this.meta = {
    authors: ['Matthias Zauner'],
    original_authors: ['VVVV Group'],
    credits: [],
    compatibility_issues: ['Disabling Clear doesn\'t work in Chrome', 'No Fullscreen', 'No Enable Pin', 'No Aspect Ration and Viewport transform', 'No mouse output']
  this.addInputPin("Layers", [], VVVV.PinTypes.WebGlResource);
  var clearIn = this.addInputPin("Clear", [1], VVVV.PinTypes.Value);
  var bgColIn = this.addInputPin("Background Color", ['0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0'], VVVV.PinTypes.Color);
  var bufferWidthIn = this.addInputPin("Backbuffer Width", [0], VVVV.PinTypes.Value);
  var bufferHeightIn = this.addInputPin("Backbuffer Height", [0], VVVV.PinTypes.Value);
  var viewIn = this.addInputPin("View", [], VVVV.PinTypes.Transform);
  var projIn = this.addInputPin("Projection", [], VVVV.PinTypes.Transform);
  var enableDepthBufIn = this.addInvisiblePin("Windowed Depthbuffer Format", ['NONE'], VVVV.PinTypes.Enum);
  enableDepthBufIn.enumOptions = ['NONE', 'DX16'];
  var bufferWidthOut = this.addOutputPin("Actual Backbuffer Width", [0.0], VVVV.PinTypes.Value);
  var bufferHeightOut = this.addOutputPin("Actual Backbuffer Height", [0.0], VVVV.PinTypes.Value);
  var ex9Out = this.addOutputPin("EX9 Out", [], VVVV.PinTypes.WebGlResource);
  var width = 0.0;
  var height = 0.0;
  var pMatrix;
  var vMatrix;
  var canvas;
  this.ctxt = undefined;              // the renderer's active context. might be the canvas context, or the context of a connected downstream renderer
  var canvasCtxt = undefined;         // the context of the canvas which is connected to the renderer
  var gl;                             // just a convenience variable for keeping the lines short 
  var bbufFramebuffer;
  var bbufTexture;
  function attachMouseEvents() {
    VVVV.MousePositions[] = {'x': 0.0, 'y': 0.0, 'wheel': 0.0, 'lb': 0.0, 'mb': 0.0, 'rb': 0.0};
    $(canvas).mousemove(function(e) {
      var x = (e.pageX - $(this).offset().left) * 2 / $(this).width() - 1;
      var y = -((e.pageY - $(this).offset().top) * 2 / $(this).height() - 1);
      VVVV.MousePositions['_all'].x = x;
      VVVV.MousePositions['_all'].y = y;
      VVVV.MousePositions[].x = x;
      VVVV.MousePositions[].y = y;
    $(canvas).bind('mousewheel', function(e) {
      var delta = e.originalEvent.wheelDelta/120;
      VVVV.MousePositions[].wheel += delta;
      VVVV.MousePositions['_all'].wheel += delta;
    $(canvas).bind('DOMMouseScroll', function(e) {
      var delta = -e.originalEvent.detail/3;
      VVVV.MousePositions[].wheel += delta;
      VVVV.MousePositions['_all'].wheel += delta;
    $(canvas).mousedown(function(e) {
      switch (e.which) {
        case 1: VVVV.MousePositions['_all'].lb = 1; VVVV.MousePositions[].lb = 1; break;
        case 2: VVVV.MousePositions['_all'].mb = 1; VVVV.MousePositions[].mb = 1; break;
        case 3: VVVV.MousePositions['_all'].rb = 1; VVVV.MousePositions[].rb = 1; break;
    $(canvas).mouseup(function(e) {
      switch (e.which) {
        case 1: VVVV.MousePositions['_all'].lb = 0; VVVV.MousePositions[].lb = 0; break;
        case 2: VVVV.MousePositions['_all'].mb = 0; VVVV.MousePositions[].mb = 0; break;
        case 3: VVVV.MousePositions['_all'].rb = 0; VVVV.MousePositions[].rb = 0; break;
  this.getContexts = function() {
    if (!this.invisiblePins["Descriptive Name"])
    var selector = this.invisiblePins["Descriptive Name"].getValue(0);
    var targetElement = $(selector).get(0);
    if (!targetElement || targetElement.nodeName!='CANVAS') {
      var w = parseInt(bufferWidthIn.getValue(0));
      var h = parseInt(bufferHeightIn.getValue(0));
      w = w > 0 ? w : 512;
      h = h > 0 ? h : 512;
      canvas = $('<canvas width="'+w+'" height="'+h+'" id="vvvv-js-generated-renderer-'+(new Date().getTime())+'" class="vvvv-js-generated-renderer"></canvas>');
      if (!targetElement) targetElement = 'body';
      canvas = $(targetElement);
    if (!canvas)

    try {
      canvasCtxt = canvas.get(0).getContext("experimental-webgl", {preserveDrawingBuffer: true});
      canvasCtxt.viewportWidth = parseInt(canvas.get(0).width);
      canvasCtxt.viewportHeight = parseInt(canvas.get(0).height);
    } catch (e) {
    this.ctxt = canvasCtxt;

    if (ex9Out.isConnected() && this.renderContexts && this.renderContexts[0]) {
      this.ctxt = this.renderContexts[0];
      gl = this.ctxt;
      bbufFramebuffer = gl.createFramebuffer();
      gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, bbufFramebuffer);
      bbufFramebuffer.width = canvas.get(0).width;
      bbufFramebuffer.height = canvas.get(0).height;

      bbufTexture = gl.createTexture();
      gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, bbufTexture);
      gl.pixelStorei(gl.UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL, true);
      gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.LINEAR);

      gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, bbufFramebuffer.width, bbufFramebuffer.height, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, null);

      var renderbuffer = gl.createRenderbuffer();
      gl.bindRenderbuffer(gl.RENDERBUFFER, renderbuffer);
      gl.renderbufferStorage(gl.RENDERBUFFER, gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT16, bbufFramebuffer.width, bbufFramebuffer.height);

      gl.framebufferTexture2D(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, gl.TEXTURE_2D, bbufTexture, 0);
      gl.framebufferRenderbuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, gl.RENDERBUFFER, renderbuffer);

      gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, null);
      gl.bindRenderbuffer(gl.RENDERBUFFER, null);
      gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, null);

    else {
      if (this.renderContexts && this.renderContexts[0]) {
        bbufTexture = undefined;
        // TODO: destroy framebuffer resources ...
    if (!this.ctxt)
    // doing this afterwards, so we can use these values in the patch for checking, if webgl context was set up correctly
    width = parseInt(canvas.get(0).width);
    height = parseInt(canvas.get(0).height);
    // create default white texture
    gl = this.ctxt;
    var pixels = new Uint8Array([255, 255, 255]);
    gl.DefaultTexture = {};
    gl.DefaultTexture['2D'] = gl.createTexture();
    gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.DefaultTexture['2D']);
    gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
    gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
    gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.NEAREST);
    gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.NEAREST);
    gl.pixelStorei(gl.UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
    gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGB, 1, 1, 0, gl.RGB, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixels);
    gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, null);
    gl.DefaultTexture['CUBE'] = gl.createTexture();
    gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, gl.DefaultTexture['CUBE']);
    gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
    gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
    gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.NEAREST);
    gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.NEAREST);
    gl.pixelStorei(gl.UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
    gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X, 0, gl.RGB, 1, 1, 0, gl.RGB, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixels);
    gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X, 0, gl.RGB, 1, 1, 0, gl.RGB, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixels);
    gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y, 0, gl.RGB, 1, 1, 0, gl.RGB, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixels);
    gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y, 0, gl.RGB, 1, 1, 0, gl.RGB, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixels);
    gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z, 0, gl.RGB, 1, 1, 0, gl.RGB, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixels);
    gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z, 0, gl.RGB, 1, 1, 0, gl.RGB, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixels);
    gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, null);
    // this is to ensure that all the input pins get evaluated, if the gl context has been set after the node creation
  this.destroy = function() {
  var initialized = false;

  this.evaluate = function() {
    gl = this.ctxt;
    if (this.invisiblePins["Descriptive Name"].pinIsChanged() || this.contextChanged) {
      if (canvasCtxt && $(canvasCtxt.canvas).hasClass('vvvv-js-generated-renderer'))
      if (this.inputPins["Layers"].isConnected())
    if (!initialized) {
      bufferWidthOut.setValue(0, width);
      bufferHeightOut.setValue(0, height);
      initialized = true;
    if (gl==undefined)
    if (bufferWidthIn.pinIsChanged() && !(this.renderContexts && this.renderContexts[0])) {
      var w = parseInt(bufferWidthIn.getValue(0));
      if (w>0) {
        width = w;
        $(canvasCtxt.canvas).attr('width', width);
        bufferWidthOut.setValue(0, width);
    if (bufferHeightIn.pinIsChanged() && !(this.renderContexts && this.renderContexts[0])) {
      var h = parseInt(bufferHeightIn.getValue(0));
      if (h>0) {
        height = h;
        $(canvasCtxt.canvas).attr('height', height);
        bufferHeightOut.setValue(0, height);
    if (this.renderContexts && this.renderContexts[0] && gl==this.renderContexts[0]) {
      gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, bbufFramebuffer);
    else {
      gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, null);
    if (true) {//bgColIn.pinIsChanged()) {
      var col = _(bgColIn.getValue(0).split(',')).map(function(e) {
        return parseFloat(e);
      gl.clearColor(col[0], col[1], col[2], col[3]);
      gl.clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | gl.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);
    if (true) {//enableDepthBufIn.pinIsChanged()) {
      if (enableDepthBufIn.getValue(0)=='NONE')
    if (projIn.pinIsChanged()) {
      if (projIn.isConnected()) {
        pMatrix = mat4.create();
        mat4.set(projIn.getValue(0), pMatrix);
        mat4.scale(pMatrix, [1, 1, -1]);
      else {
        pMatrix = mat4.create();
        mat4.ortho(-1, 1, -1, 1, -100, 100, pMatrix);
        mat4.scale(pMatrix, [1, 1, -1]);
      if (this.renderContexts && this.renderContexts[0]) // flip the output texture, if connected to downstream renderer
        mat4.scale(pMatrix, [1, -1, 1]);
    if (viewIn.pinIsChanged()) {
      vMatrix = viewIn.getValue(0);
    if (this.contextChanged) { // don't render anything, if the context changed in this frame. will only give warnings...
      this.contextChanged = false;
    gl.viewport(0, 0, width, height);
    var currentShaderProgram = null;
    var currentRenderState = null;
    var currentMesh = null;
    if (this.inputPins["Layers"].isConnected()) {
      var layers = this.inputPins["Layers"].values;
      for (var i=0; i<layers.length; i++) {
        layer = layers[i];
        if (layer.shader==undefined) // if it's an empty layer (e.g. created by IOBox (Node))
        if (currentShaderProgram!=layer.shader.shaderProgram) {
          gl.uniformMatrix4fv(layer.shader.uniformSpecs[layer.shader.uniformSemanticMap["PROJECTION"]].position, false, pMatrix);
          gl.uniformMatrix4fv(layer.shader.uniformSpecs[layer.shader.uniformSemanticMap["VIEW"]].position, false, vMatrix);
        var renderState = layer.renderState;
        if (!renderState)
          renderState = defaultWebGlRenderState;
        if (renderState!=currentRenderState)
        if (layer.mesh != currentMesh || layer.shader.shaderProgram != currentShaderProgram) {
          gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, layer.mesh.vertexBuffer.vbo);
          _(layer.mesh.vertexBuffer.subBuffers).each(function(b) {
            if (!layer.shader.attributeSpecs[layer.shader.attribSemanticMap[b.usage]] || layer.shader.attributeSpecs[layer.shader.attribSemanticMap[b.usage]].position==-1)
            gl.vertexAttribPointer(layer.shader.attributeSpecs[layer.shader.attribSemanticMap[b.usage]].position, b.size, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, b.offset);
          gl.bindBuffer(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, layer.mesh.indexBuffer);
        var uniformCount = layer.uniformNames.length;
        var textureIdx = 0;
        for (var j=0; j<uniformCount; j++) {
          var u = layer.uniforms[layer.uniformNames[j]];

          if (u.value==undefined)
          if (i>0 && layer.shader.shaderProgram==currentShaderProgram && layers[i-1].uniforms[layer.uniformNames[j]] && u.value==layers[i-1].uniforms[layer.uniformNames[j]].value)
          start = new Date().getTime(); 
          switch (u.uniformSpec.type) {
            case "mat": gl['uniformMatrix'+u.uniformSpec.dimension+'fv'](u.uniformSpec.position, false, u.value); break;
            case "vec": gl['uniform'+u.uniformSpec.dimension+'fv'](u.uniformSpec.position, u.value); break;
            case "int": gl['uniform'+u.uniformSpec.dimension+'i'](u.uniformSpec.position, u.value); break;
            case "float": gl['uniform'+u.uniformSpec.dimension+'f'](u.uniformSpec.position, u.value); break;
            case "sampler":
              var tex = u.value;
              if (tex==VVVV.DefaultTexture)
                tex = gl.DefaultTexture['2D'];
              gl.bindTexture(gl['TEXTURE_'+u.uniformSpec.dimension], tex);
              gl.uniform1i(u.uniformSpec.position, textureIdx);
            case "samplerCube":
              var tex = u.value;
              if (tex==VVVV.DefaultTexture)
                tex = gl.DefaultTexture['CUBE'];
              gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, tex);
              gl.uniform1i(u.uniformSpec.position, textureIdx);
          loopstart = new Date().getTime();
        gl.drawElements(gl[renderState.polygonDrawMode], layer.mesh.numIndices, gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0);
        // save current states
        currentShaderProgram = layer.shader.shaderProgram;
        currentRenderState = renderState;
        currentMesh = layer.mesh;
      gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, null);
      gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, null);
    if (this.renderContexts && this.renderContexts[0]) {
      gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, bbufTexture);
      gl.bindTexture(this.renderContexts[0].TEXTURE_2D, null);
    ex9Out.setValue(0, bbufTexture);

VVVV.Nodes.RendererWebGL.prototype = new VVVV.Core.Node();

 NODE: DefineEffect (DX9)
 Author(s): Matthias Zauner
 Original Node Author(s): Matthias Zauner

VVVV.Nodes.DefineEffect = function(id, graph) {
  this.constructor(id, "DefineEffect (DX9)", graph);
  this.auto_nil = false;
  this.meta = {
    authors: ['Matthias Zauner'],
    original_authors: ['Matthias Zauner'],
    credits: [],
    compatibility_issues: ['Not available in classic VVVV']
  this.auto_evaluate = false;
  var nameIn = this.addInputPin("Effect Descriptor", [''], VVVV.PinTypes.String);
  var sourceCodeIn = this.addInvisiblePin("Source Code", ['#ifdef GL_ES\nprecision highp float;\n#endif\n\nuniform mat4 tW : WORLD;\nuniform mat4 tV : VIEW;\nuniform mat4 tP : PROJECTION;\n\nuniform vec4 Color : COLOR = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0};\nuniform sampler2D Texture;\nuniform mat4 Texture_Transform;\nuniform float Alpha = 1.0;\n\nvarying vec2 vs2psTexCd;\n\nvertex_shader:\n\nattribute vec3 PosO : POSITION;\nattribute vec2 TexCd : TEXCOORD0;\n\nvoid main(void) {\n  gl_Position = tP * tV * tW * vec4(PosO, 1.0);\n  vs2psTexCd = (Texture_Transform * vec4(TexCd, 0, 1)).xy;\n}\n\n\nfragment_shader:\n\nvoid main(void) {\n  gl_FragColor = Color * texture2D(Texture, vs2psTexCd) * vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, Alpha);\n}'], VVVV.PinTypes.String);
  var currentName = '';
  var w; // the UI window
  this.evaluate = function() {
    if (nameIn.getValue(0)!='') {
      if (nameIn.pinIsChanged()) {
        var descriptor = nameIn.getValue(0);
        if (descriptor=='')
        if (currentName=='') { // if is set for the first time
          if (VVVV.ShaderCodeResources["./"+descriptor+'.vvvvjs.fx']==undefined)
            VVVV.ShaderCodeResources["./"+descriptor+'.vvvvjs.fx'] = new VVVV.Types.ShaderCodeResource();
          VVVV.ShaderCodeResources["./"+descriptor+'.vvvvjs.fx'] = VVVV.ShaderCodeResources[currentName];
        currentName = "./"+descriptor+'.vvvvjs.fx';
        VVVV.ShaderCodeResources[currentName].definingNode = this;
        if (w)
          $('#path', w.document).text((this.parentPatch.nodename || 'root')+' / '+(currentName!='' ? currentName : 'Untitled'));
      if (sourceCodeIn.pinIsChanged()) {
        if (VVVV.ShaderCodeResources[currentName])
  this.openUIWindow = function() {
    w ="code_editor.html", currentName+" / VVVV.js Effect Editor", "location=no, width=800, height=800, toolbar=no");
    var thatNode = this;
    window.setTimeout(function() {
      w.document.title = currentName+" / VVVV.js Effect Editor";
      var definingNodeName = thatNode.parentPatch.nodename || 'root';
      var shaderName = currentName!='' ? currentName : 'Untitled';
      $('#path', w.document).text(definingNodeName+' / '+shaderName);
      $('textarea', w.document).text(sourceCodeIn.getValue(0));
      $('#compile_button', w.document).click(function() {
        if (currentName=='') {
          thatNode.showStatus('error', 'Please provide a name for this shader first');
        sourceCodeIn.setValue(0, $('textarea', w.document).val());
        if (VVVV.ShaderCodeResources[currentName].relatedNodes.length>0)
          thatNode.showStatus('notice', 'Compiling ...');
          thatNode.showStatus('notice', 'No instance of this shader found. Create a node (./'+currentName+') and connect it to a Renderer (EX9) to compile.');
    }, 500);
  this.showStatus = function(type, message) {
    if (w) {
      $('#status', w.document).text(message);
      $('#status', w.document).attr('class', type);

VVVV.Nodes.DefineEffect.prototype = new VVVV.Core.Node();
VVVV.js Copyright © 2012-2013 The contributors to the VVVV.js project.
Documentation generated by JSDoc 3.3.0-alpha4 on Thu May 08 2014 13:12:34 GMT+0200 (Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit) using the DocStrap template.