VVVV.js Cheet Sheat v1.0

Including VVVV.js and Running Patches

<head> <script language="JavaScript" src="path/to/vvvv_js/lib/jquery/jquery-1.8.2.min.js"></script> <script language="JavaScript" src="path/to/vvvv_js/vvvv.js"></script> <link rel="Stylesheet" href="path/to/vvvv_js/vvvviewer/vvvv.css"/> <script language="VVVV" src="path/to/patches/your_patch.v4p"></script> <script language="JavaScript"> $(document).ready(function() { VVVV.init("path/to/vvvv_js", "full", function() { console.log('VVVV.js ready.'); }); }); </script> <head>

Launching the Editor

Append to the URL in the address bar

Anatomy of a Node

Creating Nodes

Double-Click anywhere in the patch

Choose node from list, Enter

Draw Connection

Left-Click Left-Click

Delete Connection


Change Values

Right-Click pin or IOBox

Enter value, Enter

For numerical (Value) pins, you can also:
Mouse Wheel to modulate value
Alt+Mouse Wheel to make smaller adjustments

Change Color Values

Right-Click pin or IOBox

Hover Mouse over Box

Mouse Wheel to modulate Hue
Alt+Mouse Wheel to modulate Saturation
Shift+Mouse Wheel to modulate Lightness
Alt+Shift+Mouse Wheel to modulate Alpha

General Shortcuts

Del Delete selected nodes
Ctrl+I Open Inspektor

Ctrl+C Copy selected nodes
Ctrl+V Paste nodes
Ctrl+A Select all nodes

Ctrl+S Save/Download Patch

Embedding Renderer

Set Descriptive Name of a Renderer node (using Inspector, Ctrl+I) to the DOM selector of the element the output should be embedded.
... <div id="my-visualization"></div> ...

Note: If the Renderer does not have a Descriptive Name, a new CANVAS element will be appended to the bottom of the page